
Kākahu Whakarākei / Runway Show
UPDATE: Kia ora koutou e te iwi!Matariki Tapuapua – the light drizzle is part of the time if Matariki meaning the pools of water that sit on the whenua. Come to Matariki Ramaroa Main Street event in Ōtaki tonight. We here at Maoriland look forward to to seeing you here! Matariki Got Talent – 4:30pm-6:30pm […]

Matariki Stargazing Course
Matariki Ramaroa 2023 & Aotearoa Astrotourism Academy present: Matariki Stargazing Course An immersive programme of lectures, workshops, demonstrations with small telescopes and cameras, and practical observing will be offered. We will also visit a private observatory in Te Horo for observing and stargazing (weather permitting). This hands-on, amateur course is designed for stargazing enthusiasts, aspiring […]

Matariki Ramaroa Ahi – Ōtaki Beach
Celebrate Matariki Public Holiday with the lighting of the Matariki Ramaroa Beacon Fires at Raumati and Ōtaki Beach. 5:30 – 7 pm Friday 14 July Ōtaki Beach AND Raumati Beach A perfect time to share in the beauty of our natural environment here in Kapiti and to observe Matariki with your whānau.

Matariki Ramaroa Ahi – Raumati Beach
Celebrate Matariki Public Holiday with the lighting of the Matariki Ramaroa Beacon Fires at Raumati and Ōtaki Beach. 5:30 – 7 pm Friday 14 July Raumati Beach AND Ōtaki Beach A perfect time to share in the beauty of our natural environment here in Kapiti and to observe Matariki with your whānau.

Twilight Miniature Trains
Enjoy a magic night out with the whole whānau traveling glowing gardens on a teeny train! Kapiti Miniature Railway and Matariki Ramaroa bring you another family night to experience a twilight train ride through Marine Gardens at Raumati Beach. Tickets are a cheap $1.50 per ride or free for under 5’s with an adult and […]

Matariki Ramaroa Tree Planting
Matariki Ramaroa Tree Planting! Join the Matariki Ramaroa team for one of four regional tree planting events (weather permitting) from Waitohu in Ōtaki to the Escarpment in Paekākāriki. Bring your whānau, school or work mates as we observe Matariki and the Māori New Year. Matariki is a time for remembering those that have passed, to […]

Matariki Ramaroa Beach Clean Up
Recognise Matariki and the Māori New Year by helping clean up our beautiful beaches. Join the Matariki Ramaroa team on one of four afternoons (weather permitting) to clean up the beaches. Bring your whānau, school or work mates! Gloves and compostable green bags provided. REGISTER HERE 1pm – 3pm Monday 10 July Ōtaki Beach, Meet […]

Record Fair
Music fans, music lovers and record collectors! See thousands of quality secondhand records and a few new records courtesy of Herbs Record Truck too. Record vendors from all over the lower Ika O Māui bring Kāpiti incredible vinyl treasures at our annual Matariki Record Fair. A huge range from multiple stallholders 10am-1:30pm, Sunday July 9, […]

Matariki Got Talent
Register to be a part of our Matariki Got Talent and be in to win some awesome prizes! Please register by filling out THIS FORM by the 30th of June at the very latest. Categories: Tamariki Section: 13 and under Open Section: 14+ Whānau Section: Multiple generations Ngā momo whakaaturanga: Toi Kupu (Poetry/Spoken Word) Whakaari (Drama) […]
Main St Ōtaki
UPDATE: Kia ora koutou e te iwi! Matariki Tapuapua – the light drizzle is part of the time if Matariki meaning the pools of water that sit on the whenua. Come to Matariki Ramaroa Main Street event in Ōtaki tonight. We here at Maoriland look forward to to seeing you here! Matariki Got Talent – […]