Hei Whakaturanga Whakahirahira mō te Mātahi o te Tau.
Huakina brings together a group of Māori curators’ who have selected works by Māori artists to celebrate Matariki and the Māori New Year.
Huakina, Huakina, Huakina – a call to uplift and celebrate Māori artists.
A co-curated exhibition titled Huakina led by Maakarita Paku.
- Exercise collaborative and innovative thinking
- Curate a visual narrative of Matariki into the future
An exhibition correlating the ideas of curators where opportunities to gather with peers is a rarity. There are the artists who have found themselves growing into Māori curators of Ngā Toi Māori by necessity not choice. Many are often modest about their roles and responsibilities as caretakers and custodians of taonga Māori within exhibition spaces. Often thrown in the deep end many struggle at identifying themselves as ‘curators’ even though they are doing the mahi.
Through more collaboration and wānanga Māori curators are able to build resilience, clarity and most of all support in the advancement of excellence in this field.
July 1 – September 2
Monday – Saturday, 10am-2pm
Huakina Exhibition
Hei Whakaturanga Whakahirahira mō te Mātahi o te Tau.
Huakina brings together a group of Māori curators’ who have selected works by Māori artists to celebrate Matariki and the Māori New Year.
Huakina, Huakina, Huakina – a call to uplift and celebrate Māori artists.
A co-curated exhibition titled Huakina led by Maakarita Paku.
An exhibition correlating the ideas of curators where opportunities to gather with peers is a rarity. There are the artists who have found themselves growing into Māori curators of Ngā Toi Māori by necessity not choice. Many are often modest about their roles and responsibilities as caretakers and custodians of taonga Māori within exhibition spaces. Often thrown in the deep end many struggle at identifying themselves as ‘curators’ even though they are doing the mahi.
Through more collaboration and wānanga Māori curators are able to build resilience, clarity and most of all support in the advancement of excellence in this field.
July 1 – September 2
Toi Matarau Gallery, 68 Main St, Ōtaki
Monday – Saturday, 10am-2pm