Register to be a part of our Matariki Got Talent and be in to win some awesome prizes!
Please register by filling out THIS FORM by the 30th of June at the very latest.
- Tamariki Section: 13 and under
- Open Section: 14+
- Whānau Section: Multiple generations
Ngā momo whakaaturanga:
- Toi Kupu (Poetry/Spoken Word)
- Whakaari (Drama)
- Kanikani (Dance)
- Puoro (Music/Song)
You must let us know exactly what gear you need to use for the performance. Please provide a list of what you will use on the google form.
We will have the following gear for music performances on the night:
- Drumkit (3 shells), hardware, stool and kick pedal (Must provide your own Snare, Cymbals & Hihat cymbals)
- Bass Amp
- Electric Guitar Amp
- Vocal Mics
Your performance must be less than 5 minutes from start to finish.
Your performance will be at the Memorial Hall on Saturday the 8th of July 2023. You need to be there by 3.30pm to check in at the registration table, performances will begin at 4:30pm and finish by 6:30pm.
Please be side of stage 10 minutes before your allocated time.
You will be assessed on the overall quality of your performance, stage presence, costume/outfit, reo Māori, relevance to the kaupapa of Matariki.
Your performance will be at the Memorial Hall on Saturday the 8th of July 2023.
You must be there by 3.30 pm to check in at the registration table, performances will begin at 4.30 pm and finish by 6.30 pm.
Priority will be given to Ōtaki residents. Spaces are limited so we reserve the right to decline entries.
The winners will be announced at 7.20pm from the outdoor stage on Main St between the Māoriland Hub and the Memorial Hall.
This event is presented with support from Manatū Taonga