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Memorial Hall, Ōtaki
Music fans, music lovers and record collectors!
See thousands of quality secondhand records and a few new records courtesy of Herbs Record Truck too.
Record vendors from all over the lower Ika O Māui bring Kāpiti incredible vinyl treasures at our annual Matariki Record Fair.
A huge range from multiple stallholders 10am-1:30pm, Sunday July 9, Ōtaki Memorial Hall, Main Street, Ōtaki.
Record Fair
Music fans, music lovers and record collectors!
See thousands of quality secondhand records and a few new records courtesy of Herbs Record Truck too.
Record vendors from all over the lower Ika O Māui bring Kāpiti incredible vinyl treasures at our annual Matariki Record Fair.
A huge range from multiple stallholders 10am-1:30pm, Sunday July 9, Ōtaki Memorial Hall, Main Street, Ōtaki.